1.Tuberculoma ought to be taken into account in the classification of tuberculosis.
2.During the process of calculation, the relative ubiety between impactive location and stiffener is taken into account.
3.Aberration and retardation effects are also taken into account when calculating pulse phase, colatitude angle and position angle.
4.Taking into account of the biogenic components, the algal dolomite, the main component of algal reefs, consisted of Cladosiphonia sinensis, Serpula shandongensis etc.
5.A Feynman propagator is constructed for the effective interaction between electrons which takes into account the polarizability of the medium of unexcited particles in the Fermi sea.
6.User goals are not the only type of goals that designers need to take into account. Customer goals, business goals, and technical goals are all nonuser goals.
7.Another corselette of the time also featured in 1953 The Queen magazine was the Marquise which also took into account the need for low cleavage unhampered by visible centre fronts of a bra.